900 meals.
Just going to leave that here.
WOW! That's how much I was able to donate!!! $2500 was the final number (for now, but I'm still going!!) and it will provide 900 meals for families through DC Central Kitchen.

I'm so humbled by the support from my community-soooo many people jumped on board to spread the word. And it was amazing! I also loved so much meeting sweet neighbors along the way. I offered bike deliveries for my neighborhood and people could donate their shipping costs. Such a fun way to get to see my neighborhood, get some fresh air, add in some extra money, and meet wonderful people! One of my newest friends is also an incredible photographer and she snapped my photo during my deliveries. Elizabeth Dranitzke is a super talented Capitol Hill resident photographer and her work can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/elizfoto/

Also! Got the kindest, most heartfelt write up right before I hit my goal of $2500, and I know it was the final push I needed. Love the love fest!! Read about that here: