Hi guys! I'm super duper excited to announce a cool new project that I just launched. And it's a win-win-win! I've been feeling kind of lost the past few weeks and wondering what I can do to help my community. I started reaching out to local, small businesses to offer my creative services as a donation, but that wasn't super productive. Things were too crazy and businesses, understandably, couldn't take on things like what I was offereing. So I decided to start illustrating my favorite DC spots and posting to social media as a way to draw attention and say, "Hey! Remember this place? Give them money!" The Anthem, "We'll Get Thru This," was the first one I drew, and more for the message than anything else. Then I added Capitol Hill Books, a favorite since before I even moved to DC. And more. And more.

I'm now up to 60 and counting! And the amazing thing is all 60 small businesses are backing me and showing so much love. So what's the win-win-win?
Win: majority of proceeds goes back to DC Central Kitchen (read more about them here: https://dccentralkitchen.org/
Win: this throws exposure and traffic to all these awesome, small, local businesses that NEED our support
Win: you guys get to find out about a cool new artist (ME!)
Also! The Hill Rag, one of my favorite DC publications, decided to write a little something something about what I'm doing and you can read more about it here: https://hillrag.com/2020/04/23/artist-promotes-businesses-raises-funds-for-dc-central-kitchen/
Also, also! There's a great write up in Eater as well and I'm so excited that they want to support me as well! Check that out here:
Also, also, also! Did you scroll through and see a lot of really amazing illustrations by a super talented artist (*wink wink*), but didn't see the EXACT one you wanted? Fill out a questionaire to let me know which spot I should do next and don't forget to drop your contact info so you can be notified! You can do that here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZXDBF9C
Ok, thanks for reading and following along! Happy shopping!